Why We Say “Swaha” in Havan or During Pooja
All of us would have noticed that at the end of each mantra the priests say something known as Swaha. Whenever there is a Yagna done it believed to be uncomplete without pronouncing the word ‘Swaha’. In a Yagna, some Gods are named and called and pledged to the fire by offering foods and other necessary items. The fire consumes it and transfers to the specific Gods to the direction related with them. In the Hindu pantheon, Fire is recognised as the Godi of Agni. This deity is one of the Vedic deities and was among the Supreme deities worshiped at the time. He is called twin brother of Indra and the husband of goddess Swaha. They felt that during the early periods of creation the Gods had some slight difficulties for there was no allowance made for them to eat. This was making them weak. This is when there was the penance of Brahma along Kagthaan gawdi of Goddess Adi Shakti. He asked her for a solution. The goddess exposed that all that will be offered to the holy fire during the Yagna...